Oktober 2007, privat eie/October 2007, acrylic on canvas (Dette maleri med historie kan nå også fåes som print/this painting with story, you can also get as print)

“The cool girl with the infinity glasses” oppstod på lerret  seende med evighets briller ut på verden. Under fødselen ga hun slipp på noen vanskelige følelser – og da det var gjort, fikk hun evnen til å se det største, vakreste, viktige bilde.  The cool girl er malt på et lite lerret rent fysisk, men i virkeligheten, når du ser på henne, er hun ganske stor.

October 2007, acrylic on canvas
“The cool girl with the infinity glasses” was painted in 2007. The cool girl with the infinity glasses occurred on canvas looking with her infinity glasses out on the world. During labor, she did let go of many difficult feelings – and when that was done, she got the ability to see the biggest, most beautiful, most important picture. The cool girl is painted on a small canvas in a physical sense, but in reality, when you look at her, she is quite big.